About GPTZero
GPTZero is the leading AI detection tool designed for educators, writers, and organizations. It utilizes advanced technology to identify AI-generated text, ensuring authenticity and originality in written work. By providing in-depth analysis and insights, GPTZero helps users maintain integrity and awareness about AI's impact.
GPTZero offers a range of pricing plans to suit various user needs. The Free Access plan allows up to 10,000 words per month, while the Essential plan includes 150,000 words for $8.33/month. Premium features are available in the Professional plan for $24.99/month, enhancing detection capabilities and team management.
GPTZero features a user-friendly interface that simplifies AI text detection. Its layout ensures easy navigation between features such as advanced scans and plagiarism checkers. Enhanced by color-coded highlights, users can effortlessly identify AI-generated sections and maintain a seamless experience throughout their document analysis.
How GPTZero works
Users begin by creating a free account on GPTZero, after which they can paste text or upload documents to detect AI-generated content. The platform provides an overall score and detailed sentence-by-sentence analysis. With integrations for Chrome and popular education platforms, navigating features is smooth and informative, guiding users through AI detection.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan is a standout feature of GPTZero, offering unparalleled accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. This technology analyzes up to 50,000 characters, giving users in-depth insights into the probability of AI authorship, empowering educators and writers to ensure authenticity in their work.
Plagiarism Checker
The Plagiarism Checker offered by GPTZero identifies unoriginal content sourced from external references. This essential feature ensures that users maintain originality in their writing, supporting academic integrity and honesty. With efficient scanning, GPTZero stands out as an invaluable tool for educators and content creators.
Authorship Verification
Authorship Verification is a key feature of GPTZero that helps users uphold transparency in content creation. By accurately confirming whether a document is human-written or AI-generated, this feature aids educators and professionals in fostering trust and integrity in their written work.